サービス 一般条件
ジャパンテックリンク株式会社 初版:2017/02/28
- 概要
1-1書面での合意、もしくは政府、政府機関もしくはその他の公共機関に代わって行うサービスに関する規則または現地法での強制的規定に反しない限り、全ての提案またはサービス、およびJTLのあらゆる関連会社、またはその代理店(以下「当社」という。)および顧客との間に結果として生じる契約上の関係(以下「契約関係」という。) は、全て本『サービスの一般条件』が適用される(以下「一般条件」という。)。
- サービスの提供
2-2 報告書等に記載する情報は、顧客の指示に従って行った検査または検査手続の結果から得られたもの、および/またはそれらの結果に対し、当社が技術的基準、商慣習もしくは実務、または当社の専門的見地から考慮するべきその他の状況に従って行った評価に基づくものである。
2-3 サンプルの検査に関して発行される報告書等には、当該サンプルのみについての当社の意見を述べるものとし、サンプルを抽出したロットに対するいかなる意見も表明するものではない。
2-4 顧客が当社に対し、いずれかの第三者の介入に立ち会うことを要求する場合、当社の責任は、第三者の介入時に立ち会うこと、および、介入の結果を転送し、または介入の発生について確認することに限定されることに顧客は同意する。顧客は、使用される装置や機器、測定器の状態や較正、採用する分析方法、第三者の人員に関する資格要件、活動または不作為もしくは分析結果に対して当社が責任を負わないことに同意する。
2-5 当社が発行する報告書等には、当社の介入時に当社が記録した事実のみを反映するものであり、顧客より受けた指示の範囲内、またはかかる指示がない場合は、2(a)項に述べた代替となる条件の適用範囲内の事実を反映する。当社は、当社が受けた具体的な指示、または適用された代替条件の範囲外の事実、または状況について言及し、または報告する義務を負わない。
2-6 当社は、そのサービスの全部または一部の履行を代理人または下請業者に委託することができ、顧客はかかる履行に必要な全ての情報を当社が当該代理人または下請業者に開示することを承諾する。
2-7 当社が顧客と第三者の間で交わされた契約を反映する文書または第三者の文書、例えば売買契約書、信用状、船荷証券その他の写しなどを受領する場合、それらは単に参考情報とみなされ、当社が受諾したサービスまたは義務の範囲を拡大、または制限するものではない。
2-8 顧客は、サービスの提供において、当社が顧客またはその他の第三者の地位を代理するものではないこと、顧客またはその他の第三者の義務を免除しないこと、もしくは第三者に対する顧客の義務または顧客に対する第三者の義務を承継、軽減、無効にせず、またはその履行を約束するものではないことを認識している。
2-9 全てのサンプルは最大3ヶ月間、またはサンプルの性質に応じてそれより短い期間保管し、その後顧客に返却または当社の裁量によって適宜廃棄されるものとし、爾後、当社はそれらのサンプルに対して責任を負わない。3ヶ月より長期間のサンプル保管の際は、顧客に対し保管料を請求するものとする。サンプル返却の際は、手数料および送料を顧客が負担する。廃棄にあたり特別な料金が発生する場合は、顧客がそれを負担する。
- 顧客の義務
- 料金及び支払い
4-1 発注時、または契約交渉時に当社と顧客との間で決定されていない料金は、当社の標準料金(適宜変更される)とし、適用税額は全て顧客の負担とする。
4-2 請求書において、より短い期間が指定されていない限り顧客は、関連する請求書の日付から30日以内に、または当社が請求書において指定する期間がある場合には当該期間内に(以下「支払期限」という。)、速やかに当社に対して支払うべき全ての料金を支払わなければならない。支払いを怠った場合、支払期限から支払いが実際に受領された日(同日を含む)まで、1ヶ月2.5%(または請求書に別途設定された利率)の割合による遅延利息を課すものとする。
4-3 顧客は、当社に対して主張することのある紛争、反対債権または相殺を理由として、当社に支払うべき金額の支払いを留保または遅延することはできないものとする。
4-4 当社は、管轄権を有するいかなる裁判所にも、未払い料金の回収につき提訴することを選択することができる。
4-5 顧客は、弁護士費用およびその他の関連費用を含む、当社の回収費用全額を負担するものとする。
4-6 サービス実施の過程において、予期しない問題または経費が発生した場合、当社は顧客に対し通知するよう努力し、サービスを完了するために必要な追加で発生した時間と経費にかかる追加料金を請求する権利を有するものとする。
4-7 当社が、当社の支配の及ばない何らかの事由(顧客による上記第3項に定める義務の不履行を含む)で、サービスの全部または一部を履行できない場合、当社は、それにもかかわらず、以下の支払いを受ける権利を有するものとする:
- a) 当社が負担した払戻不可能な経費額、及び/或いは
- b) 合意された料金のうち、実際に実施されたサービスの割合に相当する部分
- サービスの一時停止または終了
5-1 顧客が一般条件に定めるいずれかの義務を履行せず、当該不履行が顧客に通知された後10日以内に是正されない場合;もしくは
5-2 支払停止、債務整理手続、破産もしくは債務超過の場合、管財人が任命された場合または事業を廃止する場合。
6. 責任及び補償
6-1 責任制限
- a) 当社は、保険会社または保証人ではなく、かかる立場に基づくいかなる責任も負わない。顧客が損失または損害に対する保証を求める場合は、しかるべき保険に加入しなければならない。
- b) 報告書等は、顧客によりまたは顧客のために提供された情報、文書及び/またはサンプルに基づき、顧客の利益のためにのみ発行されるものであり、顧客はそのような報告書等に基づいて適切であると判断する行動をとることについての責任を有する。当社またはそのいずれかの役員、従業員、代理人もしくは下請業者も当該報告書等に基づき取られたもしくは取られなかった措置につき、または、当社に提供された不明確、不正確、不完全、誤解を招くもしくは虚偽の情報に起因する不正確な結果について、顧客または第三者に対して責任を負わないものとする。
- c) 当社は、直接または間接的に当社の支配の及ばない事由(顧客による一般条件に基づくいずれかの義務の不履行を含む)に起因するサービスの履行遅滞、またはその一部もしくは全部の不履行について責任を負わないものとする。
- d) 原因および性質の如何を問わず、損失、損害または費用の請求に関する当社の責任は、総額で、いかなる場合も、その請求の原因となった特定のサービスに対して支払われた料金額の10倍相当額、もしくは20,000米ドル(もしくは各国通貨におけるこれと同等額)のいずれか低い方を超えないものとする。
- e) 当社は、利益の喪失、事業の喪失、機会の喪失、営業権の喪失および製品リコール費用を含むがこれらのみに限定されないあらゆる間接的または結果的損失に対する責任を負わないものとする。さらに、当社は、第三者からの請求に起因して顧客が被る損失、損害または費用(製造物責任に関する請求を含むがこれに限定されない)に対する責任を負わないものとする。
- f) 請求を行う場合、顧客はかかる請求の根拠として主張される事実が発覚してから30日以内に当社に書面による通知をしない限り当社は当該事実に基づく請求について責任を負わず、また、当社の損失、損害または経費に関する全ての請求に対する全ての責任は下記記載の日より1年で消滅するものとし、下記記載の日から1年以内に訴訟にて請求されない限り、いかなる場合も、当社は損失、損害、または経費に関する全ての責任を免除されるものとする:
・かかる請求の原因となる、当社によるサービスを 履行した日;
6-2 補償:
- その他
- 準拠法、管轄権及び紛争解決
- General
1-1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing or except where they are at variance with the regulations governing services performed on behalf of governments, government bodies or any other public entity or the mandatory provisions of local law, all offers or services and all resulting contractual relationship(s) between any of the affiliated companies of SGS SA or any of their agents (each a “Company”) and Client (the “Contractual Relationship(s)”) shall be governed by these general conditions of service (hereinafter the “General Conditions”).
1-2 The Company may perform services for persons or entities (private, public or governmental) issuing instructions (hereinafter, the “Client”).
1-3 Unless the Company receives prior written instructions to the contrary from Client, no other party is entitled to give instructions, particularly on the scope of the services or the delivery of reports or certificates resulting there from (the “Reports of Findings”). Client hereby irrevocably authorises the Company to deliver Reports of Findings to a third party where so instructed by Client or, at its discretion, where it implicitly follows from circumstances, trade custom, usage or practice.
- Provision of Services
2-1 The Company will provide services using reasonable care and skill and in accordance with Client’s specific instructions as confirmed by the Company or, in the absence of such instructions:
- a) the terms of any standard order form or standard specification sheet of the Company; and/or
- b) any relevant trade custom, usage or practice; and/or
- c) such methods as the Company shall consider appropriate on technical, operational and/or financial grounds.
2-2 Information stated in Reports of Findings is derived from the results of inspection or testing procedures carried out in accordance with the instructions of Client, and/or our assessment of such results on the basis of any technical standards, trade custom or practice, or other circumstances which should in our professional opinion be taken into account.
2-3 Reports of Findings issued further to the testing of samples contain the Company’s opinion on those samples only and do not express any opinion upon the lot from which the samples were drawn.
2-4 Should Client request that the Company witness any third party intervention, Client agrees that the Company’s sole responsibility is to be present at the time of the third party’s intervention and to forward the results, or confirm the occurrence, of the intervention. Client agrees that the Company is not responsible for the condition or calibration of apparatus, instruments and measuring devices used, the analysis methods applied, the qualifications, actions or omissions of third party personnel or the analysis results.
2-5 Reports of Findings issued by the Company will reflect the facts as recorded by it at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of the instructions received or, in the absence of such instructions, within the limits of the alternative parameters applied as provided for in clause 2(a). The Company is under no obligation to refer to, or report upon, any facts or circumstances which are outside the specific instructions received or alternative parameters applied.
2-6 The Company may delegate the performance of all or part of the services to an agent or subcontractor and Client authorises Company to disclose all information necessary for such performance to the agent or subcontractor.
2-7 Should Company receive documents reflecting engagements contracted between Client and third parties or third party documents, such as copies of sale contracts, letters of credit, bills of lading, etc., they are considered to be for information only, and do not extend or restrict the scope of the services or the obligations accepted by the Company.
2-8 Client acknowledges that the Company, by providing the services, neither takes the place of Client or any third party, nor releases them from any of their obligations, nor otherwise assumes, abridges, abrogates or undertakes to discharge any duty of Client to any third party or that of any third party to Client.
2-9 All samples shall be retained for a maximum of 3 months or such other shorter time period as the nature of the sample permits and then returned to Client or otherwise disposed of at the Company’s discretion after which time Company shall cease to have any responsibility for such samples. Storage of samples for more than 3 months shall incur a storage charge payable by Client. Client will be billed a handling and freight fee if samples are returned. Special disposal charges will be billed to Client if incurred.
- Obligations of Client
The Client will:
3-1 Ensure that sufficient information, instructions and documents are given in due time (and, in any event not later than 48 hours prior to the desired intervention) to enable the required services to be performed;
3-2 Procure all necessary access for the Company’s representatives to the premises where the services are to be performed and take all necessary steps to eliminate or remedy any obstacles to, or interruptions in, the performance of the services;
3-3 Supply, if required, any special equipment and personnel necessary for the performance of the services;
3-4 Ensure that all necessary measures are taken for safety and security of working conditions, sites and installations during the performance of services and will not rely, in this respect, on the Company’s advice whether required or not;
3-5 Inform Company in advance of any known hazards or dangers, actual or potential, associated with any order or samples or testing including, for example, presence or risk of radiation, toxic or noxious or explosive elements or materials, environmental pollution or poisons;
3-6 Fully exercise all its rights and discharge all its liabilities under any relevant sales or other contract with a third party and at law.
- Fees and Payment
4-1 Fees not established between the Company and Client at the time the order is placed or a contract is negotiated shall Last version modified on August 2007- Published on line on October 9th 2007 be at the Company’s standard rates (which are subject to change) and all applicable taxes shall be payable by Client.
4-2 Unless a shorter period is established in the invoice, Client will promptly pay not later than 30 days from the relevant invoice date or within such other period as may be established by the Company in the invoice (the “Due Date”) all fees due to the Company failing which interest will become due at a rate of 1.5% per month (or such other rate as may be established in the invoice) from the Due Date up to and including the date payment is actually received.
4-3 Client shall not be entitled to retain or defer payment of any sums due to the Company on account of any dispute, counter claim or set off which it may allege against the Company.
4-4 Company may elect to bring action for the collection of unpaid fees in any court having competent jurisdiction.
4-5 Client shall pay all of the Company’s collection costs, including attorney’s fees and related costs.
4-6 In the event any unforeseen problems or expenses arise in the course of carrying out the services the Company shall endeavour to inform Client and shall be entitled to charge additional fees to cover extra time and cost necessarily incurred to complete the services.
4-7 If the Company is unable to perform all or part of the services for any cause whatsoever outside the Company’s control including failure by Client to comply with any of its obligations provided for in clause 3 above the Company shall nevertheless be entitled to payment of:
- a) the amount of all non-refundable expenses incurred by the Company; and
- b) a proportion of the agreed fee equal to the proportion of the services actually carried out.
- Suspension or Termination of Services
The Company shall be entitled to immediately and without liability either suspend or terminate provision of the services in the event of:
5-1 Failure by the Client to comply with any of its obligations hereunder and such failure is not remedied within 10 days that notice of such failure has been notified to Client; or
5-2 Any suspension of payment, arrangement with creditors, bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership or cessation of business by Client.
- Liability and Indemnification
6-1 Limitation of Liability:
- a) The Company is neither an insurer nor a guarantor and disclaims all liability in such capacity. Clients seeking a guarantee against loss or damage should obtain appropriate insurance.
- b) Reports of Findings are issued on the basis of information, documents and/or samples provided by, or on behalf of, Client and solely for the benefit of Client who is responsible for acting as it sees fit on the basis of such Reports of Findings. Neither the Company nor any of its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors shall be liable to Client nor any third party for any actions taken or not taken on the basis of such Reports of Findings nor for any incorrect results arising from unclear, erroneous, incomplete, misleading or false information provided to the Company.
- c) The Company shall not be liable for any delayed, partial or total non-performance of the services arising directly or indirectly from any event outside the Company’s control including failure by Client to comply with any of its obligations hereunder.
- d) The liability of the Company in respect of any claim for loss, damage or expense of any nature and howsoever arising shall in no circumstances exceed a total aggregate sum equal to 10 times the amount of the fee paid in respect of the specific service which gives rise to such claim or US$20,000 (or its equivalent in local currency), whichever is the lesser.
- e) The Company shall have no liability for any indirect or consequential loss including without limitation loss of profits, loss of business, loss of opportunity, loss of goodwill and cost of product recall. It shall further have no liability for any loss, damage or expenses arising from the claims of any third party (including, without limitation, product liability claims) that may be incurred by the Client.
- f) In the event of any claim, Client must give written notice to the Company within 30 days of discovery of the facts alleged to justify such claim and, in any case, the Company shall be discharged from all liability for all claims for loss, damage or expense unless suit is brought within one year from:
・the date of performance by the Company of the service which gives rise to the claim; or
・the date when the service should have been completed in the event of any alleged nonperformance.
- g) Indemnification: Client shall guarantee, hold harmless and indemnify the Company and its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors against all claims (actual or threatened) by any third party for loss, damage or expense of whatsoever nature including all legal expenses and related costs and howsoever arising relating to the performance, purported performance or non-performance, of any services.
- Miscellaneous
7-1 If any one or more provisions of these General Conditions are found to be illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.
7-2 During the course of providing the services and for a period of one year thereafter Client shall not directly or indirectly entice, encourage or make any offer to Company’s employees to leave their employment with the Company.
7-3 Use of the Company’s corporate name or registered marks for advertising purposes is not permitted without the Company’s prior written authorization.
- Governing Law, Jurisdiction and Dispute Resolution
Unless specifically agreed otherwise, all disputes arising out or in connection with Contractual Relationship(s) hereunder shall be governed by the substantive laws of China exclusive of any rules with respect to conflicts of laws and be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said rules. The arbitration shall take place in Tokyo (Japan) and be conducted in the English language.